September 17, 2010
6 min read

Welcome to the Lean Store

On the EuroShop, the GK Software AG will show new solutions of the GK/Retail Suite

Schöneck / February 8, 2008 – On the EuroShop, the GK Software AG will show new and enhanced solutions of the GK/Retail suite. In this year, there will be focused on the Enterprise Store Server, on applications for the head office and on the new version of GK/Retail Mobile.

On the Euroshop, the GK Software AG will show many new or further developed solutions for the operation of branch store enterprises of all branches of trade. The focus of the booth will be on the topic of the holistic branch store integration on the basis of GK/Retail. A that, a particular highlight will consist in the live presentation of the Enterprise Store Server by means of which BackOffice server services and databases can completely be operated at central sites.

Enterprise Store Server in Live Operation

Using the Enterprise Store Server that is already productively used, branch store retailers can considerably reduce the complexity of their branch store IT. It allows the branch-store server services and the data keeping to be completely relocated to the head office. With that, the service and maintenance costs can be decreased substantially. At the same time, central high-performance hardware concepts, unlimited databases and simplified backup concepts can be realized.
On the EuroShop, the GK Software AG will show a complete branch store with relocated BackOffice server. At that, the branch store database and the server services will be running the enterprise headquarters in Schöneck. The complete BackOffice functionality is fully available through a client application on the booth. The permanent operability in the branch stores even in case of interrupted network connections is ensured by the GK/Retail Business Continuity Manager. Thus, the GK Software AG is one of the first providers on the market that offers an immediately applicable solution for the centralization of the branch store IT which is one of the most important challenges in current IT projects and the central point of the discussions on the lean branch store.

New and Further Developed Applications for the Head Office

In the last year, a particular focus was on the further development of the solution offer for the enterprise head office. Therefore, the GK/Retail HeadOffice applications that were brought to live operation at big retail trade customers in the last year will be very interesting for the visitors. Among other things, this includes the Web-based Promotion Designer that allows the easy setting-up of any enterprise-wide actions via Drag & Drop and that controls their automatic distribution to the branch stores. Using the Central Coupon Server, retailers can accept coupons and prevent the fraudulent use by falsification or multiple redemption, both in multiple-branch-store manner. A particular coupon variant consists in the chargeable gift card that can be completely by GK/Retail so that no additional solutions are required. The fully integrated GK/Retail HeadOffice solutions offer retail traders the quick, centrally controlled and unlimited realization of loyalty actions in order to strengthen the customer loyalty and the trader's brand.

Mobil on the Area

On the fair, GK/Retail Mobile as Java-based platform for the mapping of GK/Retail functionalities to MDEs will be presented in an updated version. This new version has many new functionalities and is based on the up-to-date basic technology for mobile applications. In this year, in addition to the mobile cash register that can be used for Queue Busting, as emergency cash register or on outdoor areas, the comprehensive merchandise management functionalities of GK/Retail Mobile are in the fore. For example, on the sales area, not only business processes such as orderings, inventory, amortizations, etc. can be realized. Rather, it is also possible, for example, to make price changes directly at the shelf, online in a leading ERP system such as SAP.

Primarily due to the international focus of the EuroShop, the GK Software AG expects a strong visitor congestion at its booth on which, in this year, Fujitsu, valuephone and the StoreWeaver GmbH as partners will present themselves too. With IBM as booth neighbor, a joint multiple-booth project consisting of ERP system and branch store solution will be shown.


Press contact Dr. René Schiller Global Head of Marketing | SVP
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