GK a full-service supplier


GK Software Group serves leading retailers worldwide from 15 locations in 10 countries. Our headquarter is in Germany. In addition, we have offices in the USA, South Africa, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Ukraine.




Flexible, future-ready and highly secure cloud solutions for fiscal requirements

Deutsche Fiskal, a one-hundred percent subsidiary of GK Software, develops pure cloud solutions for local fiscal compliance.

Together with its partner Bundesdruckerei, DF Deutsche Fiskal GmbH, provides you with a comprehensive range of solutions for implementing German fiscalization. This combines many years of expertise in the areas of POS systems and fiscalization with the leading high-security technology and cryptography demands. In this exclusive partnership, the two companies have developed a comprehensive solution that meets all legislative requirements while giving customers full freedom of action regarding hardware and software, operating systems and implementation.

More information: www.deutsche-fiskal.de

DF Deutsche Fiskal GmbH

DF Deutsche Fiskal GmbH
Friedrichstrasse 204
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: 030/206581660
E-Mail: [email protected]

GK Artificial Intelligence for Retail AG

AI technologies to succeed in omnichannel retail.

GK Artificial Intelligence for Retail AG was founded in 1998 under the name ‘prudsys’ as a spin-off from the Chemnitz University of Technology. prudsys was the first company in Germany to develop deployable AI applications for eCommerce.

Since 2017, the company has been part of the GK Software Group and acts as a provider of cloud-based AI solutions for retail. Both companies worked together to develop advanced solutions that enable retailers to make fast and data-driven decisions for their business success. With out-of-the-box AI applications and powerful self-learning algorithms that deliver in-depth insights into product and customer behavior, GK Software is transforming the shopping experience with GK AIR, in-store, online, and beyond.

More information: www.gk-software.com/air

GK Artificial Intelligence for Retail AG

GK Artificial Intelligence for Retail AG
Zwickauer Straße 16
09112 Chemnitz, Germany
Phone: +49 371 27093-0
Fax: +49 371 27093-90
E-Mail: [email protected]

retail7 GmbH

Lean cloud POS solution for smaller businesses in all industries

retail7 is an innovative startup with several locations in Germany. GK Software is a shareholder of retail7 GmbH

retail7 was founded in 2019 and has developed a native cloud POS system for iOS, Android, Windows, Linux and macOS. retail7 checkout can be set up on any device. The POS system adapts to the needs of its users and works from the first checkout. With transparency as a top priority, retail7 features a fixed price per package with hidden costs and 30 day cancellation policy.

More information: www.retail7.io

retail7 GmbH

retail7 GmbH
Friedrichstraße 204
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 80098931-0
E-Mail: [email protected]

GK Group IT Solutions GmbH

A Full-Service Offer for The GK Software Group

GK Group IT Solutions GmbH, based in Schöneck/Vogtland, is a 100% subsidiary of GK Software SE and acts as an internal IT service provider for the GK Software Group worldwide.

The company was founded in late 2022 with the aim of fully bundling all internal IT services within the company and making them available to the GK Software Group. This includes the operation of IT infrastructures, collaboration tools as well as security and software solutions for the companies of the GK Software Group. In this context, GK Group IT Solutions GmbH is responsible for coordinating the cross-location IT infrastructures and IT applications.


GK Group IT Solutions GmbH
Waldstraße 7
08261 Schöneck, Germany
Phone: +49 37464 840
Fax: +49 37464 15
E-Mail: [email protected]

Eurosoftware S.R.O.

Multi-Client Capabilities for the Whole Enterprise

Eurosoftware, s.r.o is part of the GK Software Group, a leading supplier of store solutions for international retailers. It is located in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

Eurosoftware s.r.o was founded in 1997 as a subsidiary company of GK Software. Originally involved in state-of-the-art application development using Java and database technologies, Eurosoftware quickly became a leading high-tech company in Pilsen. The company is now a worldwide producer of leading software solutions for GK Software Group, and are used by many international retail chains. Since 2016, Eurosoftware UA has been operating in Lviv, Ukraine, focusing primarily on the development of platform extensions.

More information: www.eurosoftware.cz

Eurosoftware S.R.O.

Eurosoftware S.R.O.
Kalikovský mlýn
Radčická 40
30100 Pilsen
Czech republic
Phone: +420 379 307 311
Fax: +420 379 307 326
E-Mail: [email protected]