September 17, 2010
5 min read

Leading Change

Extension Building in Schöneck Inaugurated with Successful Symposium

Schöneck / September 11, 2007 - The GK SOFTWARE AG further on grows successfully. The most recent expression of this growth was the inauguration of an extension building in the Schöneck headquarters with a top-level symposium. With the presence of the Saxon Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt, retail experts, scientists and GK SOFTWARE AG representatives discussed the requirements that will have to be fulfilled by the information technology for the retail trade in the future.

On September 6, 2007, about 90 participants met in the conference center of the IFA hotel in Schöneck to take part in a symposium with the title "Keeping ahead of change - Future-oriented IT concepts for successful retailers" organized by the GK SOFTWARE AG. After the symposium, the new extension building in the headquarters in Schöneck was inaugurated with the presence of the District President of Chemnitz Karl Noltze und des Chief Administrative Officer of the Vogtland county Dr. Lenk. Now, on about 1,500 square meters, new office workplaces, conference rooms, test laboratories and a large cafeteria are available to the employees. About 90 of the 165 employees in total are working in the GK SOFTWARE AG headquarters.

Ready for Growth

In his keynote, Rainer Gläß as CEO Member of the Board of the GK SOFTWARE AG stated in which extent the enterprise has strongly grown in the last years. Six new projects, seven new productive countries, about 8,000 new productive installations, 31 new employees and the opening of the branch office in Berlin, this is the impressive balance of the last twelve months. Rainer Gläß showed that the GK SOFTWARE AG will be able to continue its strong growth in the future due to the focusing on the production of standard software, the continuous organization adjustment to the enterprise and the creation of a robust partner ecosystem.

IT Trends in Trade

The round of experts who gave lectures on the future of the retail trade was opened by Jochen Hampe as Managing Director of REtailerconSULT. He presented the newest EHI study on IT investments in the trade. Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster spoke about trends on trade information systems and up-to-date approaches for the software development and selection. How the GK SOFTWARE AG prepares for the future with its GK/Retail solution, this was presented by Ronald Scholz as Member of the Board of the enterprise. He pointed out the decisive advantage of GK/Retail that it is a solution without any limitations with respect to hardware, operating system or operational concept. He presented the product roadmap and important, already reached milestones such as the central Backoffice. Then, Hansjörg Bausch as Organization/Informatics Manager of the Kaufhof Warenhaus AG reported on the current project status shortly before the first rollout of GK/Retail. Prof. Dr. Rainer Thome from the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg spoke about completely new aspects with respect to the business-management potentials of RFID. Finally, the management consultant Ulrich Eggert showed the participants the chances and risks for the trade in the future.

Georg Milbradt: A Saxon Success Story"

As closing speaker of the event, the Saxon Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt spoke. He emphasized the claim of Saxony to take one of the leaders in Germany in the field of information technology. He appreciated the development of the GK SOFTWARE AG as "one of the success stories we have in Saxony".

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