August 21, 2024
5 min read

Successful customer approach through personalization: three inspiring practical examples

Consumers today expect a customized shopping experience at every point of the customer journey. For retailers, personalization is an effective tool to meet the interests and needs of their customers. For over 25 years, we have been looking at how retailers can best achieve this, because personalization means more than just displaying product recommendations in the online store. In this article, you can read about five unusual application scenarios for successful personalization in practice.

1. Omnichannel personalization using the example of e-readers and voice assistants

360-degree personalization across all customer touchpoints enables retailers to take their customer experience to a new level. Whether in the online store, in the app, in the newsletter or in the store, personalized content achieves a much higher customer response. However, other devices that are not immediately associated with personalization can also target users with individual content.

Personalized book and audio recommendations viaTolino eReader

Thalia Bücher GmbH not only inspires its customers with personalized content in various online stores, newsletters and apps. Readers also benefit from real-time product recommendations by GK AIR on their own tolino brand e-readers, e.g. on the home screen or after finishing a book.

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Personalized audio recommendations via the Alexa voice assistant also implements a personalized customer approach at various touchpoints. Customers can use the Amazon Alexa app to connect live to the auction TV channel and then ask Alexa for various information, e.g. about current auctions or whether products offered by that match their interests can be recommended. You can find out exactly how uses the Alexa voice assistant in customer communication here.

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2. Personalization in the area of gamification

The use of playful elements in retail is an exciting tool for retailers to draw the attention of potential customers to their own offers and motivate existing customers. Used skillfully, retailers can boost their sales. Personalization can be a helpful tool here to achieve a high response rate. In fashion retail, for example, a style advisor can help customers find an outfit that matches their preferences. In addition to the user's clicks, the style advisor or the associated AI takes into account the behavior of online shop visitors (e.g. this blouse is often bought together with these trousers) in order to suggest an outfit to customers that is highly likely to match their taste. Gamification applications like this are often a big attraction for us at trade fairs - because they arouse curiosity and provide variety. Here is an example in cooperation with the gamification provider BRAME. 

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3. Replenishement recommendations based on online and offline purchases

Everyday products typically include food, personal care products, household cleaners and other everyday items. Consumers need these products at certain intervals - it is easy to forget to replenish them in good time. To avoid this problem, we rely on replenishment recommendations by GK AIR Personalization in customer projects. These are recommendations of previously purchased items at ideal time intervals, i.e. the appropriate product recommendation is displayed at a time when the customer is most likely to have used up the product (e.g. body lotion). This is based on past purchases in the online shop/app and in the store, where the purchase data can be recorded using the customer card, for example. These replenishment recommendations are displayed directly in the online store or newsletter at the appropriate time.

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Would you like to use these personalization scenarios for your customer communication or do you have your own ideas for possible application scenarios? We implement the most diverse forms of personalization for leading retailers - contact us!