August 07, 2024
5 min read

How Retailers Can Reimagine the POS Part 1: Looking Ahead to Stay Ahead

The first point-of-sale (POS) technology was born in 1879 with the invention of the cash register, enabling retailers for the first time ever to conduct and record transactions within the same platform. What’s more, 50 years ago, the first Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode was scanned on a pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum, setting a new standard for quick shopping lines and an efficient shopping experience.

Now, POS technology has evolved to serve a myriad of purposes. Especially as data has been digitized and transactions can now be recorded automatically in the cloud, retailers have limitless possibilities for their POS systems.

Innovation in the area of the POS is not going to stop any time soon. IHL reports that 58% of the largest U.S. and Canadian retailers plan to select a new mobile POS solution in 2024, demonstrating that the industry is taking notes on POS evolution: retailers must look ahead to stay ahead.

To help retailers stay innovative, GK’s Cloud4Retail platform offers a number of options that can empower those interested in reimagining their POS systems and capabilities. With a future-forward system, retailers will be able to provide a smoother customer experience that will foster loyalty fit for today’s retail landscape.

Centralizing the POS to ensure a future-focused approach

In the day and age of unified commerce, retailers that implement separate POS platforms on separate channels are already three steps behind. Legacy solutions simply no longer meet customer needs.

GK’s OmniPOS offers retailers a centralized platform, which enables uniform data management and clear communication structures. What’s more, by centralizing POS functions, retailers can avoid isolated applications, and they reduce service costs and maintenance efforts.

With data entry, updates, transactions and more happening in real time across any device, retailers – and their customers – are granted the freedom of choice. The type of device no longer creates a barrier to the possibilities of the POS, and retailers can react quickly and uniformly to changes in the market. This ultimately serves the customer well, as it creates the most customer friendly POS experience possible.

Mobilizing the POS to enhance satisfaction

Shopping looks very different now than it did 20 years ago, and it is sure to evolve even more. That is why the retailers that push the boundaries of when and where shoppers can shop are leading the way in the industry.

GK’s MobilePOS allows retailers to deploy mobile retail concepts on any device to meet the demands of today’s shoppers. Whether in-store, on the sidewalk or across town in a pop-up store, it offers unrestricted deployments that can seamlessly connect with the rest of the GK Cloud4Retail platform or an existing POS infrastructure. This makes access to the data that retailers need easy and efficient.

With a mobile solution like GK’s, retailers can turn employee tablets and smartphones into modern POS devices that serve customers where it is most convenient for them.

An intuitive POS is also customer-first

An intuitive POS system that can react to a customer’s any need, wherever and whenever they need it, is crucial for a successful retail business. It goes without saying that retail is built on the customers; the industry must continue to innovate and rise to the challenges of the changing landscape.

Contact us today to learn how GK can help you reimagine your POS.